Monday, August 25, 2008

Small Town Doesn't Necessarily Equal Small Publicity

I grew up learning to appreciate nature and all of its bounties. The beautiful scenery that we’re so fortunate to see on a day-to-day basis, and the marvelous creations that seem to sprout up from the ground’s roots. I’ve recently discovered how these simple things have also affected the lives of the people around me.

Gwen Roland, a friend of my aunt’s, lives in Pike County, Georgia and spends most of her time cultivating elements of nature. In the past few years, Gwen has recounted a time from her past in the book, Atchafalaya Houseboat: My Years in the Louisiana Swamp, which chronicles her time, spent living on a handmade houseboat in the swamp.

Published in 2006, the idea to pen her story actually came from a suggestion of someone who had heard her story before.

While this may not be the most conventional blog topic or discussion, I found it incredibly interesting as to how you would actually get something like this promoted. Would you simply rely on word of mouth or would you do more?

After recently reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, I have a new understanding of the concept word of mouth. In this book, he claims that the most important form of human communication is in fact word of mouth. We promote more than we realize. A simple suggestion can take on a new form when translated to others. It’s no longer just something we like, but it’s something new for them to try.

Gwen’s story is really no different. She took a suggestion and ran with it. Now, this
Sunday, August 31, 2008, PBS is running a documentary focused on Gwen’s life and her recent publication. The documentary will air at 10:30 p.m. ET/ 9:30 p.m. CT. Check out to learn more.

I think this just goes to show, you don’t always have to focus on a metropolitan setting. Publicity and promotion can come from your next door neighbor in a small rural town or from the highest executive in a large city. It really doesn’t matter, PR is everywhere. It just depends on how you use it.


Ginger Carter Miller said...

Great post and inspired PR thinking. As I said, you think outside the you-know-what!

Chels said...

That's really interesting! Crazy how things can happen, huh? And ps- aug.31 is the greatest day ever!