Tuesday, October 14, 2008

PR Open Mic

Originally, I viewed this blog post and challenge, as simply something else to do on what I feel like is a never ending to do list; however, once I spent a little time looking around the site, I realize PR Open Mic will actually become a useful tool in my PR life.

I think the most beneficial tool are the many listings under the Forum section. The categories cover most anything you could want to know about or share opinions on concerning the PR world, and sometimes even branching into the marketing world. Whether it's a question about how to execute a campaign or how to plan an event, we can post a topic under one of the headings and then watch as other PR professionals and students weigh in on what to do. While we may not have face to face action with these people, or may not even know them, we've all learned that as many views and as many questions can be asked will only help for a more efficient and successful PR endeavor. I'm excited to include this site in my places to form research and gain more knowledge about public relations, and I can't wait to explore it's contents more!

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